Configuration: ================= Your configuration drives the usage of link. You need to create your configuration in your home directory (~/.link/link.config):: mkdir ~/.link vi ~/.link/link.config Everything that is in your configuration can be treated like an object which will be explained later. For now, Here is an example JSON config:: { "apis": { "my_api": { "wrapper": "APIRequestWrapper", "base_url": "", "user": "", "password": "" }, "my_api_2": { "wrapper": "APIRequestWrapper", "base_url": "", "user": "", "password": "" }, }, "dbs":{ "my_db": { "wrapper": "MysqlDB", "host": "", "password": "", "user": "", "database": "" } } } You can organize your configuration anyway you would like, using any names you wish. For example, you could create an environment centric structure like this:: { "prod": { "my_api":..., "my_db":...}, "sand": { "my_api":..., "my_db":...} } You can also nest resources as deep as you would like:: { "prod": { "dbs":{ "my_db":... }, "apis":{ "my_api":... } }, "sand": { "dbs":{ "my_db":... }, "apis":{ "my_api":... } } } The only rule is that names cannot have a "." in them, you will see why below. Create a structure that fits your usecase, by environment, by client (if you are a consultant)...etc.